Biomes (add on)

To understand biomes you have to concur how human alteration of biome can produce fibers, industrial materials, and most important foods.

The following altered biomes are some of many which produce food, industrial materials, and fibers.

  1. Vegetation Removal - instead of finding food in forests, humans either cut down or burn massive areas of land to make way for either: farms; or land for animals to graze.
  1. Agriculture - Agriculture just means farming. Farms don't just happen - they are built specifically to grow crops and plants. Some crops are for fibers or industrial material and for foods.

  • Land Terracing: Food like rice needs a lot of water and flat land. In areas where there is plenty of water but no flat land, people have worked out that they can cut into hills to make “steps” of flat land to grow rice. There are called ‘terraces’.

  • Irrigation: If you own a farm, just basing your whole life on the success of the farm and then hoping like hell that it rains can be incredibly stressful. If your crops need a lot of regular water, one way to make sure they grow is to install a water system (e.g. sprinklers) that automatically waters your crops.

  • Mining: Industrial materials that we need (e.g. oil/petrol, coal, iron ore to make steel) do not just sit on top of the Earth’s surface. We have to dig into the ground to get them. This sometimes involves digging shafts and sending people down into the mine. Sometimes we just blow a massive hole using dynamite and then dig around the ramp to get trucks down to the bottom to get the minerals we need.

Rainforests are forests that get a lot of rain. The characteristics of rainforests include; climate, plants and animals, and crops. 

Rainforests are very humid and warm. Because they are close to the equator, the temperature stays between 20 to 30 degrees C most of the year. The trees are normally 100 feet tall covering the understory and the first floor layers. The animals that live on this layer would include monkeys, birds, insects, and reptiles of all sorts.

In conclusion, rainforests are very humid and warm. The trees are normally 100 feet tall covering the understory and the first-floor layers.

Rainforests have been affected by people’s need for food, fiber, and industrial materials so we are able to live our normal lives.

25% of the ingredients in medicine today come from the rainforests meaning that a percentage of the tree's leaves and other materials from the rainforest have been used to our advantage. 

Wild fruits are a particularly rich source of nutrients, often offering healthy sugar, higher protein levels, and more vitamins than cultivated fruits. This shows that humans are using the rainforest materials for their own good.

in conclusion, 5% of the ingredients in medicine today come from the rainforests and wild fruits are a particularly rich source of nutrients, often offering healthy sugar, higher protein levels, and more vitamins than cultivated fruits.


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