Venom Review

This blog is about my favorite movie ‘Venom’. This blog contains a brief explanation for ‘Venom’ as the next movie comes out in Australia soon. Eddie and Venom have a funny relationship together as they both have bubbly personalities which makes this movie iconic.

Venom Movie Poster Image

Venom is definitely a showstopping and a definite blockbuster. Eddie tries to contain a normal lifestyle and attempts to take down Carlton, the CEO of Life Foundation. Eddie, a journalist, investigates experiments of human trials that include a symbiotic alien with lethal abilities. Eddie Brock struggles to adjust to his new life as a host of the alien symbiote Venom, which allows Eddie to obtain abnormal abilities such as jumping between buildings, biting human’s heads off and Eddie can now survive a gunshot. 

Our background knowledge about how Venom originated on earth: in the movie, it states that a spaceship contains alien specimens and crashes on earth with many humans inside. After the ship crashes one of the samples of the symbiote, gets away while the others are taken to San Francisco for testing by the Life Foundation and its wealthy CEO, Carlton Drake.

Here is a link to a blu-ray DVD - Venom DVD

Stay tuned for the review of Venom: Let There Be Carnage

Said Sienna


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